Kentico CMS 7.0 Context Help

Documents tab

Documents tab

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Documents tab

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On this tab, you can see a list of documents that are using the workflow. By clicking Edit Edit next to a document in the list, you will be redirected to the document in CMS Desk -> Edit. When you click View Navigate to document, you can view the latest version of the document on the live site.


The following actions can be performed with documents in the list. These actions are useful if you want to finish the documents' workflow:


Publish and finish workflow - the latest version of the document will be approved and published.

Remove workflow and keep currently published data - the original version of the document stays published and all changes made after it was published will be discarded; this action removes all scopes from the workflow so that it can be subsequently deleted.


Based on the selection in the first drop-down list, these actions can be performed for:


All documents - the action will be performed with all documents in the list.

Selected documents - the action will be performed with documents selected by the check-boxes (Enabled).


After clicking the ArrowBottom icon in the header of the Actions column, a context menu is displayed, offering options for export of listed data to various types of files.